Sunday, February 5, 2012

How Can SOPA and PIPA Effect Bloggers?

The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Act (PIPA) which aimed at demolishing the online freedom and spread of speech has fortunately been postponed on January 20, 2012 after US Government saw the biggest internet protest of the time. The protests were the biggest in Internet history, with over 115 thousand sites altering their webpages with black protest banners! With Wikipedia and reddit being the heavy protestors. As soon as FBI shutdown the largest free resource sharing website "MegaUpload" , tons of attacks were launched by Anonymous just after 70 minutes on government websites such as Justice Department, the FBI, Universal Music Group, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), and Broadcast Music, Inc.

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What is SOPA and PIPA?

These are two bills which were proposed in the US parliament as an open attack on sites that promote copyright infringement of content and goods. The biggest sponsor of the bills was HOLLYWOOD which includes the film and music industry. Though this may sound just ok but if this would have been passed than thousands of web owners which include us have been destroyed completely with a complete shutdown of their servers and online existence. From Wikipedia till Google, every single web service would have been attacked and abused. Internet service providers would have been forced to block websites that promote piracy and search engines like Google would have been pressurized to stop indexing such sites and stop sending them traffic. Read the complete story here.

How to make sure you stay safe?

As we have always stressed, please give more value to unique and quality content. Whether it may be SOPA or Google Panda , no one respects or allows redistributed content with re-shared material. Blogging can be a long term business with great future milestones if you feed it properly from the very first day. Write more, write good, publish something new each day and stay happy and safe forever. That's what blogging is all about.

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